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The Map: Text

Note: Who Owns Norfolk's landownership mapping activities concluded in September2024. Natural capital research continues via Rewilding Norfolk

Who Owns Norfolk has produced several maps detailing the owners of land across the local government districts of Norfolk. Part way through the project, due to time and resource constraints, it shifted to focusing on the West Norfolk district only.

The maps can be found below:

Supporting data for these maps, including estate size, owners and source materials, can be found in this publicly available Google Sheet

Notes on references and licenses are detailed at the bottom of this page.  

The Map: About Us
The Map: HTML Embed
The Map: About Us

References & Notes

  • Note: The data in the maps above is indicative only, and is based on the most up to date publicly available information. 

  • To view the original map on mobile phone Google Maps, please follow this link.

  • This map features INSPIRE Index Polygons spatial data. The polygons (including the associated geometry, namely x, y co-ordinates) are subject to Crown copyright and database rights (2020, 2021) Ordnance Survey 100026316. This information is subject to Crown copyright and database rights (2020, 2021) and is reproduced with the permission of HM Land Registry. The terms and conditions of the use of this data can be found by following this hyperlink

Map Data Sources
Inspire ID Polygons Data - these can be downloaded by following this hyperlink. You’ll need a Geographical Information System (GIS) to view the downloaded INSPIRE Index Polygons.
Norfolk County Council Section 31(6) Depositions - Government legislation requires that Norfolk County Council (the appropriate authority) keep a register which contains details of deposits of statements and maps and declarations made about existing Public Rights of Way made under section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980. These depositions can be found by following this link

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